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An Ode' to Beauty

We can find beauty in every thing and everyone, but beauty must be nurtured and cared for. Our true self is expressed through our inner and outer beauty. 

All beauty is a bridge to God, like a work of art as it's the divine's wondrous creation. Source Energy can reverse the aging process and combined with the right tools it will do wonders for your body, mind and soul.

The aesthetic is woven into the fabric of human experience and our knowledge of things. When we see a beautiful work of art, or a radiant sunset, we are confronted with the mystery of its otherness.

Every person has an aching need for beauty; in beauty we discover the face of God.

We are invited to let beauty penetrate the heart, and to respond to it by creating further beauty in our own lives.

-Valeria Tignini

Venus Tribe


Beauty, Prosperity, Love

Starting Sepetember 9th 2017

Rodan + Fields

Earn up to an extra $300-$500,000

a month as an consultant

Val's Pick

Lash Boost - For lashes

Lash Boost  I have been using for the past 3 weeks and I notice a big difference in my lashes. For my birthday last year I decided to try lash extensions (big mistake) besides being really uncomfortably natural feeling, when they would fall out, so did my lashes. So in the end I had less lashes and shorter lashes, because it also broke my naturally long lashes. Last Boost has been reparing my natural lashes and I am so grateful for this. It may sting when you first put in on at first, but that is because of the oil that you are not use to in your eye, but it acclimates and goes quickly away after a few uses. I highly suggest this product if you want a lash boost. $150 regular customer, $135 preferred cust.

Sincerely, Val

My Favorite

The Skincare

Val's Pick

REVERSE - For Brightening and Removal of Dark Spots

Reverse Brightening was my first love with R+F.  It was my first time using R+F products after a long time, since I used Proactive in the early 2000's. My sensitive skin immediately sensed the lightness and the non-evasive ingredients to the solution. I also saw results immediately after the first use. My skin was craving this type of light exfoliation and hydration. It replenished and activated my skin cells it feels and I say this with confidence. So, with that activation my skin was on this cycle of replenishing itself.  Life's stresses and heavy experiences can take away that glow, Reverse is an amazing tool to help you get it back in your skin.

Then there is Reverse Skin Lightening. If you are one that has sun damage or are prone to freckle clump invasion on your face, like myself, this product is truly amazing. From the first usage I saw the dark spots get lighter. I have been using it for coming in 3 weeks and my skin is definitely going back to it's original state, pre-sun damage. This was what made me fall in love with R+F, this product. 

Sincerely, Val

Unblemish - For Pimples and Acne 

Unblemish is the new and advanced formula of Proactive. I say it's advanced because it doesn't leave your skin dry like Proactive use to. I have not tried this product, but I use to use Proactive in my early 20's and it cleared my skin, but it also left it dry. R+F removed the alcohol in the formula of which was the drying agent. Now it leaves your skin clean, actively fighting bacteria and moisterized. 

Sincerely, Val

Click here to learn more

Testimonial from blogger,

Redefine - For Wrinkles , Pores and Loss of Firmness

Redefine I feel is like a facial that works instantly and you get this mini facial everyday. Just like our teeth need cleaning, so does our skin. I haven't tried this product yet, but from what I read from the reviews I am surely impressed. Some women turn to Redefine instead of Botox, which is natural and of course less expensive.

Sincerely, Val

Testimonial from online contributer

Soothe - For Redness

Soothe is a unique solution for skin care, as it's very difficult to treat rosacea. Most solutions are prescribed or don't work completely. I have not tried this product myself but from the testimonials I have read, it leaves me confident to say it's one of the best, if not the best for skin redness.  

Sincerely, Val

Click here to learn more

Testimonial from blogger

We are in a generation of practicing and embracing a natural state of being. That means, eating organic, working out, meditation, yoga, an even wearing less makeup. 

Leann Rimes is instagramming here her no makeup look for R+F's #RFGoNaked .

That's the Goal. No Makeup. 

Redefine - For lips and eyes

Redefine is really fantastic. I love the eye formula. It decreases my lines so much the first time I used it. It's really an incredible product. I use the eye formula also on my lips and it softens and fills my lips. Shhh..a little secret. I haven't tried the lips redefine, but I am sure it works amazing. It's probably the same formula with a little tweak, because your lips and under eye are the same type of skin. The Redefine Lip Renew makes my lips plumper and more pink!

Sincerely, Val

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True Love

ValSecrets is based in New Jersey


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