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You + Val


"You + Val" was designed for you to be able to have a one on one with Valeria to have a soul experience privately with her from the luxury of your own home.

During private source energy sessions,

Valeria works with the same energy that she does with group settings.

Source Energy aka the Holy Spirit

is used so that one can connect to their Soul,

their Higher Self. 

(This energy advances Healers, Psychics, Yogis, and those who wish

to deepen their meditation and their connection to God)


Val's Abilities 

Psychic Reading

Oracle Card Reading

Pendulum Reading

Intuitive Guidance

Past Life Regression

Akashic Reading

Body Ailments Reading

Chakra Blockages Reading

and More. 

Through this one can...

Physical Healing


Mental Healing 

Anxiety Removal

Releasing of Patterns and Blocks

Heart Opening

Pain-body Releases

Inner Peace 

Communications from Divine Beings

and so much more ...


Valeria suggests a customized format for your

particular situation. Plus, Valeria gives you lots of personal feedback and downloads specifically for you.

It's suggested to receive more than one session as you go deeper every time.


Val has access to Source so that she can go into akashic records, past/present/future lives,

see what is in your auric field, whom you are connected to, etc.

Each session is always different, and she gives you what you need.

Private sessions are done via video chat.


Standard Session Description

Session on video chat includes short intro, energy work, and some questions + answers 



$144.00 for 60 min: one on one

Other Session Types;

- 3 Sessions Package 

(60 min each)

- Couples Therapy

- Group Therapy (more than 2 people)

to book a session click on

button and select one of the three options 

No Sessions Available

Hand-picked Testimonials

"Just a quick one! Thank you so much, I appreciate you. That was beyond amazing. Today I experienced my first call with Val and it was extremely beneficial! I have been at a crossroads with my career and in my relationship, which had been causing me a lot of stressful anxiety. After a few moments of me telling her about my deep feelings and current situation she was able to deeply connect into my energy.  She did a body scan and I confirmed everything she was picking up! She felt my heart had a lot of pain and said she had to do some healing before we could go on to the rest of the session. I felt like my heart was literally being mended back together. After about 20 minutes I noticed the stress in my body was gone and the energy had moved. We talked deeply about my relationship with my partner and my new coaching career. She was able to give me the most valuable insights along side the powerful healing. It was 100% worth the investment to clear up the energy and move forward. I believe she is truly the healer for the healers." Carolyn Laura -Indigo Rose Wellness USA

"I am just over the moon as for years I have been searching for this, for people who understand and can truly help. Most healers just don't do much. This was something else, on a truly cosmic scale, pure energy, pure coming from the source of the creation. From your initial scan, I could feel the strength of your field and how it started interacting with my field.

I had three sessions each of them being powerful but different. I sensed how the Source Energy went through my body in each of the session working on my various energy centres, especially on my root chakra and then on my heart. I experienced a powerful clearing on the heart area - I sensed how my whole body released something and after that I felt so expanded - so full of life. I also felt my Crown chakra being cleared and my connection to my guides became more intimate and closer. Seems the distortions between myself and my guides have been removed. My whole life feels different. I am even more intuitive, I can sense energies even more clearly and I feel happier and more light. I feel completely upgraded! WOW!  My own work with my clients has also improved dramatically as a result of Val's sessions. I can feel how the Source Energy is now more with me, I can feel it's presence and how it does it's thing. I sincerely and highly recommend Val's sessions whatever your life situation is." - Lauri Wild, Scotland

"It has now been one week since my long-distance Source Energy session with Val. The difference in my energy between then and now is just incredible! Before we even started the session, I was already having adrenaline rushes and butterflies in my stomach that morning in anticipation of the energy, which I was already beginning to tune into. As soon as the session started, I felt like my body got super heavy and I started laughing lots and moving around. Once that initial rush settled down, I remained in pretty much a trance state for the remainder of the session, and then didn't recall much of what happened during it. However, at the end of the session, when I came fully back, I could feel that lots of energetic work had been done on me. The session was followed by a conversation about what had occurred, and Val informed me that she had worked with my kundalini energy and also helped to remove some energetic blockages from my system, particularly from my sacral chakra. Following the session, I felt a lightness, and a great sense of inner peace. The rest of that day and the following day, I continued to feel the afterglow of the session, but then by the third day, a switch happened and I felt like a complete zombie for a few days! It stayed that way for a few days, until yesterday. I now understand that nothing was wrong to make me feel that way, it was simply my body integrating and assimilating all the major changes that had taken place for me energetically during the session. The fact that I felt that out-of-commission for a few days really just went to show me the depth of the work that had been done on me. Now today, one full week after the session, I feel absolutely on top of the world! It's hard to explain, but it almost feels like I'm relating to time and space in a different way than before. A kind of "cosmic" or "psychedelic" feeling is the only way I can think to describe it! I feel euphoric, very "in flow", and just full of boundless energy. My ability to focus is also greatly improved! My mood is also much more stable than usual. No matter who you are or where you are in life, I cannot recommend Val's long-distance sessions enough! Prepare to be hugely transformed. Prepare to also maybe feel off for a few days after, depending how long it takes your body to assimilate the change. Prepare to maybe feel some changes in appetite or sleep patterns for those few days of integration as well. But once that tough phase passes, you will literally feel like a whole new person, in a way that goes beyond just thoughts, emotions, and personality. The change that takes place really cannot be described in words, it can only be understood through personal experience." - Aaron Nebbia - MA, USA

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