7/22/17 Divine Feminine Energy
Today Dear Ones, I can feel the peak of the ascension energy that has been building up for the past two weeks. I sense an explosion of...

Beauty and Abundance is the future of Humanity. We are to experience in the Age of Aquarius aka Dwarpa Age what the Gods and Goddess's...

Cosmic Gateway 7/7/17
Dear Ones, We are in a time where we are constantly being upgraded by cosmic alignment to Earth and the Earth herself. On July 7th, 2017...

Self Love and Freedom
Today is Venus Day, (aka Friday, Venerdi). I was waiting for the right day to post this, and what better day than today, the day of...

GRACEDBYGRIT - In The Flow's New Sponsor
We were "Graced by Grit" this week as this athletic apparel for women became a sponsor of In the Flow. You will be seeing Val's...