Blue Rose Dream - Holy Grail
In autumn of 2013, I had a dream and this dream has stayed with me til this day. I was living in Nyack, New York and my daughter was just...

Pure Life Studio 22 - Isis Temple Vortex
I have been receiving lots of information around this lately through signs, visions, and people telling me as well. Pure Life Studio will...

Dreamtime Transmission an Ancient Healing Practice, who knew!
Patients sleeping in the temple of Aesculapius at Epidaurus. Oil painting by Ernest Board. In 2013, my first group session that I did my...

Secrets and Activation of the Great Pyramid of Giza
The moment I got into Cairo, Egypt I could feel the energy of the place as soon as I stepped foot outside the airport. When I got into...

Symptoms of Third Eye Opening in February 2018
Third Eye activation is prevalent since the month of February 2018. There has been a new wave of ascension energy and the energy pushes...

Last night in "delta waves" sleep which is right before REM sleep- the deepest form of sleep, I had many downloads given to me and one of...

With Abdy Electriciteh on September 21st
I have been attending Abdy's sessions since 2010 - he is the main guy that has activated me into my gifts,now that's it's touching on 8...

The Work Gives Miracles to People
Miracles happen everyday, an email that shares it.. Dear Valeria Thank you for your wonderful Session on Day 4 (on Venus Tribe.) The...

Heart Chakra Merkaba
We are in a time where we can have very high vibrational spiritual experiences in which for some in the just 10 years ago felt that a...

Kundalini Awakening to Christ Energy
Photo from June 30th, 2011. Six years ago this time last year, I was 7 months into my new awareness, my new life. Kundalini shook me up...